viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

February 2011 Peru - Trip From the coast to the navel of the world

Tour description

Upon arrival reception and transfer to the select hotel.

Lima City Tour: This excursion offers the best combination of the different attractions in Lima and its three historical periods: pre-Hispanic, colonial and contemporary. Our trip includes the Basilica Catedral (Cathedral Basilica) and the Palacio Municipal (Municipal Palace). We will enter the monumental Convento de San Francisco (Convent of Saint Francis), which displays the biggest collection of religious art in America. We can admire the Choir Room and the Monks’ Library, the Sacristy, with its collection of Zurbaran and Rivera paintings. The Big Patio of the Main Cloister, decorated with sevillan styles from the XVI century, its beautiful moorish arches and its subterranean crypts known as The Catacombs, where you will feel the presence of Lima's colonial past. Visit to the most traditional residential areas in the capital: Miraflores and Barranco, distinctive tourist centre of contemporary Lima.

Exploring several archaeological sites during the day and tasting the gastronomy of the Peruvian cuisine. Travelling to Arequipa by bus. Overnight spent in the bunk-bus.

Upon arrival transfer to your hotel. You will visit the Historical Centre from the Plaza of Armas, the Jesuita Church of the Society of Jesus, the Santa Catalina Monastery to the Yanahuara Neighbourhood, the beautiful colonial district, where we visit the "Mirador".

Colca Canyon: depart on a wonderful four hours bus trip to the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world (3,400 m) We will pass by the plain of Patapampa (4900 m), then through the “Mirador de los Andes”, where you will overlooking the Chila’s Mountain Chain where there are many volcanos: the Mismi, Chucura, Misti, Chachani, Ampato, Sabancaya Y Hualca Hualca. Then you will arrive at CHIVAY town where you will visit the hot spring “La Calera” (entrance not included).

Colca Canyon: We leave early in the morning to the "Condor's Cross", where the biggest bird in the world can be usually seen flying. On the way back we visit the colonial towns and churches of  Pincholo, Yanque,  Achoma and Maca.

Arequipa – Puno: Departure to Puno by bus (6 hrs).  Visit of the City centre of Puno.

Lago Titicaca: we will visit the floating islands of Uros, located inside the bay of Lake Titikaka only nine miles away from the city. It is believed that the Uros were one of the first ethnic groups populating the Andean region. When the Spanish chroniclers encountered the Uros by the end of the XVI century, the Uros were still living on the lake in small reed-boats that they used as floating houses. Only in the early 60's, the Uros started to build small artificial islands with reeds for their homes. Then we will discover Taquile, the biggest island of the lake. Taquile has approximately 1,200 inhabitants. The people from this island have a Quechua origin and they are mostly small farmers. Family accommodation for the night.

Lago Titicaca: After breakfast, navigating to the island of Amantani where the people kept their own habits and languages
 (quechua, aymara). Family accommodation for the night.

DAY 10
Return to Puno to go back to Cuzco by bus (7 hours). You will discover the Altiplano and the valley of Vilcanota until Cuzco.  
Hotel in Cusco. Free time.

DAY 11
Cuzco: you will be taken on a city tour and visit a local archaeological site, the Cathedral, the ruins of Kenko, Puca Pucará  and Tambomachay,  Koricancha, Sacsayhuaman and surroundings.

DAY 12
You will be taken through the Inca Sacred Valley where life has remained almost unchanged for 500 years. You will visit the impressive village of Pisac and its ruins located into a magnificent landscape. You will its discover the Indian market, enjoying the beautiful handicrafts on sale and wonder at the many ethnic tribal costumes worn, not just for tourists, but as part of their heritage by the local people. The tour also includes the visit to Ollantaytambo fortress. On the afternoon, you will travel to Aguas Calientes by train.

DAY 13
Machu Picchu: you will visit the ruins on the early morning when the full magnificence of the site reveals itself in all its majesty. You will discover the architecture of this emblematic Inca site with its particular streets, palaces, undergrounds, grain lofts, jails, etc. You can climb to the top of Huayna Picchu and you will enjoy the complete and panoramic view of the Machu Picchu site. Night at hotel in Aguas Calientes.

DAY 14
On the morning you will take the train to go back to Ollantaytambo. You will visit the colonial city of Chinchero and its market.  On the afternoon, return to Cuzco to take a bunk-bus to Lima.

DAY 15
Free time in Lima, transfer to the airport to take your international flight.

Not included:
International airfares
• Airport departure taxes or visa fees.
•Impuestos o tasa aeroportuaria por los vuelos nacionales.
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages or bottled water, snacks and meals except breakfasts in hotels.
Items of personal nature.

Wazuriri Expeditions
Joseluis Franco Castro
E-mail -
Mobile: 0051 74 978381012


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